Category Archives: Blog

Murin Luck!

Hey, muffins! I know it’s been a minute since I wrote you last – lots of new stuff brewing up here in my magical slum! I will fill you in on recent developments in a forthcoming post (does anybody still … Continue reading

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Happy Holidays from My Neighbors!!!

This picture was taken this morning. I don’t know my neighbors, or why this is still happening. They seem friendly enough, in their own furtive way. They used to have this little yappy dog that screamed all day and night … Continue reading

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Like Falling Off a Blog

Dry those tears, all few dozen of my loyal readers: I’m back! Recently, it’s come to my attention (because I, y’know, checked) that I have not posted any uplifting news about my glamorous existence since October of last year. It … Continue reading

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Mashup of the Week: God Shave the Queen

Recently I took part in a new concert series called “Inspired,” curated by my friend Bobby Cronin, as a benefit for the ASPCA (not to be confused with ASCAP) and the Last Resort Animal Rescue (not to be confused with … Continue reading

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Jingle of the Week: “Stand Up for Heroes”

AND… don’t faint… I’m actually performing somewhere! This Sunday night I’ll be appearing in “Inspired” – a benefit concert series started by my friend Bobby Cronin to SAVE THE ANIMALS, which I am all about: everybody knows that all my … Continue reading

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Song of the Week: Passing Through

From Horizon Performed by Patti Murin We’ve come to our sixth and final installment of Horizon demos this week. This number finds Amy, a young, recently married working mom, already questioning the choices she’s made in life. As she drives … Continue reading

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Song of the Week: “Dear Travis”

From Horizon Performed by Brad Greer, Becca Ayers, John Antony & Patti Murin Well, Soundcloud has gone and changed everything, so hopefully I’ve done this right. ‘Cause this week’s Horizon song is a fancy quartet, with some pretty fancy people … Continue reading

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Song of the Week: “You Never Know”

From Horizon Performed by Patti Murin and Brad Greer In today’s episode, it’s the eve of 18-year-old Robbie’s departure for college – and girlfriend Amy’s last chance to tell him something really important, you guys!!! Meanwhile, all Robbie can manage … Continue reading

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Song of the Week: “Sergio”

from Everybody’s a Jerk, 1993 Just back from the first dog walk of summer (“Hey, a sidewalk full of unripened mulberries goes right through ya!” says Pearl). Thinking of this, my favorite season, I always return to the music I … Continue reading

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Get Out

June is LGBT Pride Month. All over the meadow and the hill. It’s also the month my friend JD Doyle has chosen to spotlight yours truly on his internet radio programme (which is LGBT talk for “show”) OutRadio! JD is … Continue reading

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