AND… don’t faint… I’m actually performing somewhere!
This Sunday night I’ll be appearing in “Inspired” – a benefit concert series started by my friend Bobby Cronin to SAVE THE ANIMALS, which I am all about: everybody knows that all my pain-in-the-butt animals are rescues (for now, in case they’re reading this). The premise is that a bunch of musical theatre writers play The Songs That Inspired Them to Make That Fateful Wrong Turn Into This Semblance of a Career – but enough about me. Here’s who else is in it: Brad Alexander, David Are, Carner & Gregor, Drew Fornarola, Rob Rokicki, Georgia Stitt, Katie Thompson & Michael Patrick Walker. It’s at Stage 72, which used to be The Triad, which before that was Steve McGraw’s after it was Josiah Wheaton’s farm, and a dinosaur cave, and the Big Bang, and nothing. I’ve narrowed mine down to 14 songs, but I’m doing them all in the space of one – yeah, big shock, I know. Here’s Bobby’s blog about it, and links to tix, etc:
And now… your jingle. The Bob Woodruff Foundation sponsors this annual concert/standup comedy event in honor of military vets and their families. This year it’s happening at Madison Square Garden, and will feature the hilarity of Bruce Springsteen and Roger Waters, along with in-your-face rock shredding from the likes of Jerry Seinfeld and John Stewart – or maybe I read that wrong. In any event, I made up the music for the announcement, which is online here:
Yep, savin’ lives. That’s what I do.
Produced, written, arranged & all instruments by MH
Vocals: Brad Greer, Matt Hinkley, MH
Vocals recorded by Danny Lapidus at pod noise studio, NYC